What you get when you order a caricature from David Green cartoonist.
All caricature options prices are for one person only, extra people and items drawn such as trucks, motor bikes, buildings etc will cost more, simply click the appropriate boxes in the checkout when ordering.
Caricatures are all original artworks drawn onto A2 cartridge paper in pencil then uploaded and emailed to you as a proof for your approval/changes, any modifications to these proofs are done at the color stage, which is emailed to you, Changes can still be made here.
Once you are satisfied with the colour caricature it will be delivered to you, option 1. is finished from the proof only, so check your proof carefully. To be perfectly clear, you see the hard copy completed artwork before it's delivered to you as final art, so there is no chance or errors in your order they are sorted prior to completion of the order, you also get to keep the email hard copy.
Only facial changes on caricature options are re-submitted in pencil if the customer is not satisfied with the likeness, more photos might be needed.
All caricatures come with a theme, eg, football fan, loves lemonade, eats KFC, likes to fishing, punting on horses and a beer, all this and similar themes are in your cost shown above.
Caricatures with trucks, motor bikes, buildings etc. will cost extra and you need to tick the appropriate boxes when ordering.
Ask about prices for group and family caricatures by quotation only.
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